the final 50km drive into Albany Larry noticed one wheel on the van was much
hotter than the other three wheels. This
prompted us to check into a caravan park, rather than free camp, so we could
hopefully arrange a mobile caravan mechanic to visit us. After spending over $100 for two nights, we
vacated and managed to find a lay by about 10km out of town which became our
home for the next 4 nights.
A well known landmark in Albany is 'Dog Rock' |
took the van into a caravan workshop and $500 later came out with all wheels
bearings checked and a number of faults with our electric brakes
rectified. After picking up the van and
driving for 15 minutes, the same wheel was still far hotter than the others. Back to the workshop. The
mechanics thought it might need the attention of a brake specialist so we drove
around speaking to a number of them.
Van having all brakes serviced. |
Of course they
couldn’t fit us in until Monday so our stay in Albany was extended a few
days. Not such a curse, as Albany has a number of interesting sites and
activities including Strawberry Farm, one of the earliest residences and market gardens in Albany and now a National Trust property.
Strawberry Farm, now a National Trust property
If you ever see one of these - please purchase for me! Any price! It's an early
mix master!! Would go perfectly with my collection of 30+ egg beaters!! |
is a replica (constructed in 1975) of the first European boat to land in
1826. Panicking that the French might
get to the unsettled lands of Western Australia first and stake a claim, the British
Government arranged for The Amity to bring the first group of European settlers
to establish a military post.
The Amity which arrived in 1826 |
an arduous six week journey from Sydney, The Amity anchored on 26 December
1826. On board were 19 soldiers, 23
convicts and the ship’s crew and staff.
The settlement was initially called Fredericktown and in 1832 renamed
Albany, but for decades it continued to be known as King George Sound.
On board The Amity |
There was another branch of the Museum of Western Australia which included an art exhibition and play area the girls enjoyed. Outside the museum, which used to be the commandant's residence and later a gaol, was a huge fig tree that was planted when Albany was first settled. Possibly the best climbing tree we had come across and not a sign in sight saying it was out of bounds!
The root system of a gigantic and very old Moreton Bay fig tree |
Kate in the pink in the centre of the tree - fantastic climbing opportunities for the girls |
was also the last shore leave allowed to the solders travelling overseas in
WW1, including Gallipoli solders and others destined for France and the Middle
East. It was the first town in Australia
to conduct a dawn service on ANZAC day.
During our visit there was a lot of local discussion about an ANZAC
interpretive centre being constructed in time for the 2015 centenary of
the nearby peninsular a number of well-visited natural attractions were worth seeing for ourselves.
The Bridge |
The Gap - matches perfectly with an outcrop of rock on the
northern edge of Antarctica. |
Kate above The Gap |
On the Saturday night we all spruced up and went to the Albany Entertainment
Centre (AEC) to watch a live simulcast from Perth of the Opera Rigoletto. This was the first opera for the girls and
Larry and I hadn’t been to one since we attended the Vienna Opera (in the
standing room only backpacker section) over 25 years ago. The fact that it’s been over 25 years since
we’ve been to the opera tells you something of our experience in Vienna!!
Anyway, in Albany it was free so we thought
we were on safe grounds and could always leave at half time if it was too
dull. However the story, written about
150 years ago, was set in the 1950’s and while it was sung in Italian, the
theatre screen had English subtitles so we could follow the storyline. It was quite dramatic, involving quite a few
characters, a love story and a death. At
half time, both Elizabeth and Kate wanted to stay to see how the story ended,
so we considered the night a success. I
don’t know that I’d fork out $150 for all of us to see an opera, but as far as
exposing the girls to this genre and having a night out (very rare these days),
it served its purpose and got us inside the magnificent AEC building.
This building has the most amazing architecture. I can fully appreciate why it was so controversial when constructed in 2010, but I loved it - it's so starkly modern and futuristic compared with The Amity, which is so traditional and historic and only about 200m away. There is no way the convicts, settlers and crew of the The Amity could ever in their wildest dreams envisage a building such as the entertainment centre!

located about 15 km from Albany is the former Cheynes whaling station, now
known as Whale World. We visited
thinking we’d be there about an hour, but 4 hours later we were still looking
at the exhibits. It is an actual former whaling
station, the last in Australia, complete with whale oil tanks (now theatres), cookers, boilers and work sheds.
It’s not for the feint hearted, as there are many displays and graphic
photographs showing the whale killing and processing.
Whale tusks outside one of the exhibit halls |
the whales were dragged onto the Flensing (skinning) deck, where the blubber
was removed.
Behind Kate, the large storage tanks held the whale oil. They are
now used as theatres and display areas. |
last operating whaling boat, Cheynes IV, was berthed there and we could go into
and onto the boat and see the harpoon used and how the crew members lived on board during the whaling season.
On the harpoon ramp on the Cheynes IV |
The harpoon used to kill the whales. |
whale station only ceased operation in 1978, not because of public pressure but
because the demand for oil had reduced due to the development of synthetic
replacements and also the cost of fuel for the whaling ships tripled. As the station was a major employer in
Albany, it took the town about 10 years to recover from its closure. In addition, as it was the last operating
whale station in the country, the Australian government took the opportunity to implement the ban on all
whaling in Australian waters.
Skeleton of blue whale |
Whale World certainly didn’t glorify whaling and it was easy to feel sickened by
the exhibits, but, as we explained to the girls, it was a factory processing
whale meat in the same way as an abattoir processes cattle, pigs and
chickens. Just on a much larger scale
due to the size of the animals.
In its day, it met a demand for whale oil, primarily as a source of lighting. Ultimately however, we were all pleased to know we lived in a country
where the whale populations continue to grow and thrive and the only thing shooting
them is a camera. Albany, 40 years later, has a thriving industry again
based on whales as a tourism enterprise.
Tourists overlooking the cutting deck. |
Close up of the school group (from the photo above) visiting the whale station in 1976.
Note many are holding their noses. |
Travellers Tips:
Expect to pay $55+ for a caravan park for 2A+2C. We located a free camp about
10km east of Albany, nothing flash, just a large lay by area. The Amity Brig was excellent value at $10 a
family, WA Museum gold coin donation, Whale World $59 family. Farmers markets every Saturday morning. All the major supermarket chains are
represented and there is an extensive retail area. Cameron Caravans were professional if you
need caravan work.
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